Justice in a Broken World
Why act justly? Growing up in a CRC church, I remember attending weekly GEMS meetings and reciting Micah 6:8 before each lesson: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” I often overlooked act justly because I never received an accurate definition of the word justly . I associated the word with correct, well-behaved, and good. Looking back on these words, I find that my definition was self-centered; the definition was focused fully on myself instead of others . God loves justice and out of respect to God, I have learned that one must not only act justly towards others, but right injustices. People must be treated equitably and live with their God-given rights. As our society continues to become self-absorbed, this gap of injustices will continue to increase. We must continue to fight not only for ourselves but for those who are the vulnerable, poor, and marginalized in soci...