Love the Life you Live

“Guys, I just really love life right now” My roommate says this at least once a day and my floor mates and I are constantly teasing her for this but we share these feelings. We love our lives. Dwelling on this season of Thanksgiving and shifting the focus towards the birth of the greatest gift as Christmas approaches, I wanted to share a few ways that I have loved in my life this semester: Being involved in RHET. Planning dorm retreat, Chaos night, Service Auction (jumping in the Sem Pond after raising $1000 for our dorm partnership), and getting to know the friends on RHET has made this semester amazing Throwing M&M’s at a professor Building community with the girls on 1st Veenstra (1AM talks in the hallway with cereal and peanut butter, floor outings with half-off appetizers, 11PM secret dance parties, movie watching in the basement, 8:15 breakfasts, waving to each other on the path) Learning and growing in a new relationship Classes and professors wh...