243 days later

Remember that one time that I had a blog? Yeah, me too. It’s been a few months since I’ve posted but I did say in my first post that I wasn’t planning to post every day, just often enough to get a peek into my Michigan life.

As my freshman year is nearing an end, I’ve decided to reflect and write down a few things that I’ve learned this year. Plus I have a lot to do and I consider this a study break from the 10 page Religion paper, case study presentation, and 8 page paper on societal structures that I need to write by Tuesday.

1. Moving to a new state is hard, but definitely worth it. Moving to Michigan has opened my eyes to seasons, shops in Downtown Grand Rapids, and artic parkas. I will never take the sunshine or blue skies for granted. Michigan winters are brutal. Everyone said that this winter was mild, so I’m eager to see what the next year will bring. 

2. 15 credits vs. 17 credits are completely different. During my first semester, I took 15 credits and had so much time. I watched 7 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, binge watched 10 seasons of Friends in the first 2 months of school, and went to bed before 11 every night. I thought adding 2 credits this semester would add 1-2 additional hours of homework a night but I was wrong. I often stay up til 1-2 and recently pulled my first all-nighter. 

3. The freshman 15 is real. Cappuccino drinks in the dining hall are full of sugar and ice cream can be hard to resist. I’ve learned about moderation and how to manage my time so I can be active. I’ve also learned that running can be fun. In high school, I never would have considered myself a runner but on sunny days in Michigan, you can find me running around the Calvin loop.

4. Meijer: a large store in the Midwest, similar to Costco + Walmart, that contains anything you need. The store is so big that often you can’t find what you were looking for and you end up buying things that you didn’t need. 

5. High school friendships are hard to maintain. I’ve discovered that when both people work hard at keeping a friendship, it’s easy to keep in touch. I’ve enjoyed being pen pals with my friend at APU, look forward to seeing Julia’s face everyday through Snapchat (we currently have a 247 snapstreak, which is pretty impressive, if I do say so), and FaceTiming with my friends at Cal Poly SLO. It brings me to joy to see how well my friends are doing and how excited they are about their majors. Keeping in touch with them while I’m 3 time zones and thousands of miles away doesn’t make them feel that far.

6. Sleep is a beautiful thing. If anyone wants to borrow “The Sleep Revolution”, written by Arianna Huffington, let me know. To quote Huffington, “sleep is more important—and illusive—than ever.” To quote Westra, “I recommend anywhere from 6-8 hours. It’s not fun being tired all day.”

7. Going off of the last one, coffee is also a beautiful thing. I was never a coffee drinker before college but sometimes it’s necessary to drink a cup or two or three. Just don’t drink 3 cups in less than 1 hour.

8. I love my family. I have been blessed with a great family who loves me and being away from them makes me appreciate them even more. On Sunday’s, I often FaceTime my family at my home away from home. Thank you Heethuis family for allowing me to become a part of your family! You don’t know how much I appreciate it or how thankful I am for all of you (pooch chainss)

9. I love my floor. They’re my other family away from family. Someone recently said that living in the dorms is like having a sleepover all year long and I completely agree. 1st Veenstra has been so full of laugher, pranks, joy, and love, which has led to an incredible community. 

10. Seize opportunities, but don’t fill up your schedule without planning out time for yourself. This year, I had the opportunity to serve on my floor’s SET (social events team) and I have the honor of serving as my dorm’s president next year. I have been a part of intramurals, on-campus events, and Bible studies, which have all been a blast. It’s hard to miss out on the fun, but sometimes, it’s best to have time to yourself.

11. Online shopping is the best. You don’t have to leave your room AND you get packages! 

12. Friends come from unexpected places. At this time last year, I had no idea that one of my best friends would be from the Netherlands. You never know when a friendship will start or the adventures it will bring. Some of my favorite adventures from this year have been sleeping in an igloo, watching random movies and perfect wedding videos on YouTube, and creating a playlist as lit as 2k11. Who would have known that some girl who ignored me in Knollcrest would become my Questie bestie?

13. Scheduling is hard. In the education program, I have decided to major in Language Arts and minor in Communication Arts and Sciences. I recently had to create a four-year plan and figure out when I need to take every class before I graduate. This is a little stressful, due to the few spots open in each class and the different registration times. If you are one of the last to register, good luck getting into the classes you want to take. I have great advisors but it can be hard to figure out what classes I will be able to take when. 

14. Classes are hard. Some are harder than others. Education 210, for example, would be one of my easier classes. I have been learning about music in Uganda and how to play the recorder. In contrast, Religion 121 consists of exams where 40 pages of notes need to be memorized and said word for word to get an A. I have been challenged academically and am thankful that my high school has prepared for me college. 

15. Jesus is good. Going to a Christian college has strengthened and tested my faith. I have learned to practice patience while trusting in God. Waiting for things to happen can be hard, but knowing that God has my life planned gives me reassurance. Jesus is walking with us through times of trouble and peace. He deserves all the praise and every day, I’m learning to glorify Him in all that I do and say.

It’s bittersweet to leave Calvin in 3 weeks but I’m looking forward to all the opportunities and adventures that next year will bring.

Thank you for all the support, prayers, and love from Cali to Calvin!

Love, Bri/Brianna


  1. Love it, Bri! I love how you quoted yourself as "Westra" haha :)

  2. We love our Cali daughter too! Pooch chainss!

  3. We love our Cali daughter too! Pooch chainss!

  4. oh no did you drink 3 cups of coffee in less than 1 hour?! :o


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