243 days later

Remember that one time that I had a blog? Yeah, me too. It’s been a few months since I’ve posted but I did say in my first post that I wasn’t planning to post every day, just often enough to get a peek into my Michigan life. As my freshman year is nearing an end, I’ve decided to reflect and write down a few things that I’ve learned this year. Plus I have a lot to do and I consider this a study break from the 10 page Religion paper, case study presentation, and 8 page paper on societal structures that I need to write by Tuesday. 1. Moving to a new state is hard, but definitely worth it. Moving to Michigan has opened my eyes to seasons, shops in Downtown Grand Rapids, and artic parkas. I will never take the sunshine or blue skies for granted. Michigan winters are brutal. Everyone said that this winter was mild, so I’m eager to see what the next year will bring. 2. 15 credits vs. 17 credits are completely different. During my first semester, I took 15 credits and h...