Kids Say the Darnedest Things: Part Two

How would you spend a quadrillion dollars?

Divide it into fifths: 1. I would buy a Lamborghini so when I get older I can drive it 2. A beach-house 3. The Riley hospital 4. Church 5. Bank account.

I would 1. Help every homeless person in the world 2. Help cure cancer so everybody can be healthy and 3. Buy 50 bars of gold.

1,000 dollars to the poor, buy fidget spinners, buy China, buy 20 farms, and buy 100 farmers.

Give it all to the poor, feed the homeless, help all branches of the military.

I would get 10 french bulldogs, 87 pairs of my same outfit, a comic company, have my own labs, and have my own mansion.

I would buy a private gold jet, a gold room, a golden Lamborghini, and a 1,000,000,000 inch flat screen tv.

I would buy all fidget spinners, a big house with a pool, a porshe, and a PS8 (if they invent it).

First, I would make cool gadgets like a portal that teleports you to the place you want to go automatically, buy new video games, help poor people, and then save the leftover money.

I would buy a 2 story house, furniture, a dog, car, cameras, and a dog house.

A quarter would go to the poor, then I would buy a laboratory and a laser drill. Then I would buy all of the nerf guns in the world. Then I would use the rest of my money to buy a mansion.

A mansion, yacht, 135” inch tv, ferrari, theatre, a gold room.

A yacht, private island, all the cool cars in the world, private jet, dog’s pool, gold room, and limo.


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